Слово Господне пребывает вовек.
А это есть то Слово, которое возвещено вам чрез Евангелие.
Ему дадим отчёт.
(1Пет.1:25, Евр.4:13)

пятница, 8 марта 2013 г.


Марш Миссий :
Альбом: EuroCon`13

Встреча Пастора Шаллера и Пастора Шибелли с русскими :
Альбом: EuroCon`13

ЕвроКон Церкви GGWO (с 5 по 9 марта)
в Венгрии в Будапеште ( BibliaSzol.hu )

Power, love and a sound mind. (2Timothy 1:7)

God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sobriety. These are two, mutually exclusive mindsets. The first is that of a victim, the second is that of a victor. The first is frozen in the past and in the present, the second moves on into the future. The first lives in fear, the second takes hold of the opportunities. The first is self-conscious, the second is God-conscious. The first feels condemned, because he's done something wrong, the second feels liberty and grace. The first suspects people, the second loves them. The first seeks excuses, the second seeks Christ.
This year, at Eurocon, God will speak to us about all that He!s given us for other's sake.
Join us, Christ is always life-transforming.

 Ибо дал нам Бог духа не боязни, 
но силы и любви и целомудрия. (2Тим.1:7)
Альбом: EuroCon`13

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